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How we work


Work Packages bring together sets of tasks to meet the project's objectives. They are placed under the responsibility of a partner. Project partners can have tasks in different work packages.

On this page, you will find details of each Work Package, as well as an infographic that shows how they work together.

The Work Packages: How the project tasks are organised


Project Management and Coordination   

The objective of this WP is to provide overall project leadership and management to ensure the work and delivery of outcomes are aligned with the project goals and that the work plan is implemented as outlined. More specifically WP1 aims to: - provide effective overall project management throughout the duration of the project, - coordinate the external project advisory boards, - implement project management methodologies (including project quality assurance guidelines) for continuous monitoring and reporting, - define intrinsic legal, ethical and societal issues relevant for the project.


User needs, Continuous Participatory Co-Design, and Design Validations

The overall aim of WP2 is to engage with user communities (cultural institutions and users with disabilities) in order to explore and better understand their real experienced needs. By using participatory methodologies WP2 will identify specific requirements and constraints, will inform the technical work packages and will also establish the benchmarks, against which these work packages can be evaluated. WP2 will also help achieve shared understanding of the user needs, the adopted conceptual framework, and the social model of disability among the project members. To do this, WP2 will pursue the following objectives: - formalisation of participatory study guidelines for stakeholder engagement; - conduct of participatory user-need studies; - synthesis of the findings, aggregation of user requirements and gap analysis; - formalisation of the findings from the above activities into requirements specifications; - initiate a learning space within the project for exchanges of ideas and achieving common values.


Multisensory, Layered Representation of Cultural Assets for Inclusion by Design (Content Generation)

The main objective of this WP is to develop multisensory and multi-layered representations of tangible and intangible CH assets for enhanced accessibility and inclusion. The following specific objectives will be addressed: - to develop metadata models and ontologies for various data modalities and their transformations - to conduct research in multimodal, multisensory representation of CH assets - to undertake multisensory representations of CH assets using co-design and participatory approaches - to gather requirements for and validate multisensory representations through aesthetics and first-person - experience co-design methods


Multisensory, Multi-layered Space for Enhanced User Experience

This WP aims to complement WP3, by offering solutions that facilitate end-user experience in interacting with multi-modal, multi-layered and multi-sensorial representation of CH assets. The following specific objectives will be achieved. - to develop a co-design environment for the validation of CH virtual experience, - to facilitate the design of co-creative virtual space for engaging with CH, - to undertake research activities in the field of affective computing to facilitate multisensory interaction with CH, - to implement a fully immersive experience within VR for CH, - to provide a common ground for facilitating a wide access to digital cultural assets by offering user friendly multi-experience web platform.


Co-creation Services for Shared (and Intangible) Cultural Engagements

The goal of this WP is to develop low latency technologies to facilitate co-creation services for creating born digital content. The following specific objectives will be achieved: - to develop low to zero-latency communication protocols to facilitate co-creation services - to formalise the metadata models in aggregating multisensory data sources such as physiological measures - to implement an interactive, accessible dashboard for musical composition for all - to undertake scientific activities for the development of AI algorithms to enable artistic composition by people with disabilities - to develop technologies for rendering live events to wide-scale audiences


Multimodal Repository for Inclusion and Access

This WP will be responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the multimodal repository with metadata formalised for inclusion and accessibility. The following specific objectives will be addressed: - to formalise the specification of ontologies for CH representation on (in-) tangible assets; - to develop semantic interoperability and promote linguistic developments of long-term preservation of born - digital and digitised cultural assets. - to implement tools for tracing and tracking digital rights management - to design and development of CH archival process and repository management


Platform Integration and Use-case Demonstration

The objective of WP7 is to develop an integrated MuseIT platform, as an interface that brings together different components of the project for the demonstration of project outcomes. The WP will be responsible for the specification of overall architecture design and will establish continuous integration strategy and perform software testing for the multisensory, multi-layered cultural asset representation. The following specific objectives will be achieved in the WP: - to develop MuseIT architecture specification based on the requirements specifications gathered inWP2, - to allocate continuous integration infrastructure for the integration of MuseIT software component testing and validation of the platform, - to develop the IPR framework for long-term sustainability of the developed solutions within the project, - to identify key metrics for the evaluation of the MuseIT tools based on end user needs and gaps.


Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation and Impact Creation through Stakeholder Engagement

The WP aims to set up and manage the overall public engagement strategy as well as to ensure the communication and dissemination of the project to promote its achievements and outcomes. The following specific objectives will be achieved: - to develop a public engagement methodology leveraging dissemination channels of the consortium partners - to implement an open consultation strategy for aggregating feedback from the relevant stakeholders - to establish liaison with external projects within CH, accessibility and inclusion domain - to contribute towards development of international standards - to consolidate the cultural heritage market for accessibility and inclusion


Ethics requirement

Högskolan i Borås (HB)

The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package

The Project Dynamics: How the Work Packages are working together

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