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MuseIT Events

Here you can find all the information about the events organised by MuseIT. You can find all articles, recordings and documentation about what we do, where and how!

TBC - Denmark
Participatory Co-design Workshop 
- More information soon - 

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2-4/10/2024 - Thessaloniki, Greece
5th MuseIT Consortium Meeting and participatory workshop


25-26/09/2024 - University of Borås, Sweden
Participatory Co-design Workshop and User studies

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25-26/05/2024 - Edinburg, Scotland
4th MuseIT Consortium Meeting 


24/05/2024 - Edinburg, Scotland
Pilot 2 Participatory Session - Workshop


10-11/04/2024 - Nicosia, Cyprus
Participatory Workshop - "Heart Activity data collection"


11-12/03/2024 - Gothenburg, Sweden
Pilot 2 Participatory Session - Workshop


06-07/11/2023 - Borås, Sweden
SYMPOSIUM - "Haptics for Inclusion - Discover. Share. Network. Collaborate."

20/10/2023 - Nicosia, Cyprus
Participatory and Ideation Workshop 

19/10/2023 - Nicosia, Cyprus
Internal Learning Workshop 

12/07/2023 - Online
Internal meeting with Teatro Stabile di Torino - 'Sharing Understandings'


15/06/2023 - SMC, Gothenburg, Sweden
Pilot 2: Performance of Understanding - Elephant Ears on the Brain: Live hybrid performance

Ewe Larsson giving a ”go” to her fellow musicians in Gothenburg. Photo: Viktor Kjellberg.j

17/05/2023 - Online
Internal Learning Workshop - "Disability and Inclusion – Sharing Understandings" 

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30/01/2023 - Paris, France
Participatory and Ideation Workshop

17/10/2022 - Borås, Sweden
SYMPOSIUM “Towards Access for All – Inclusion through Multisensory Interactions”

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17-20/10/2022 - Borås, Sweden
Kicking off the MuseIT Project

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