During our last meeting in Paris, we produced a series of videos presenting the partners of MuseIT, in order to highlight the organisation of the project and the people who carry its ambition to favour inclusion and access to cultural experiences!
© Actronika
In order to enable an enriched engagement with cultural heritage for all, MuseIT aims to create an accessible and inclusive platform for co-creation. This requires firstly creating and managing multi-sensory representations (audio, visual, haptic, etc.) of cultural assets, which take into account the variations in perceptual modalities and functional and cognitive abilities of the end-users. Then, the goal is to build an immersive, latency-free, multi-user authoring tool with an interface that meets the diverse needs of end-users.
To achieve this objective, the MuseIT project benefits from a participative, user-centred approach. This co-design approach translates into the inclusion of people or groups with disabilities and/or different perceptual modalities in the design process.
In this series of videos, we invite you to discover the project partners and how they intend to respond to the challenges, both technological and social, of the MuseIT project. They tell us about their expertise, their missions, but also their expectations!
Meet the people behind the MuseIT project on our YouTube channel: