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[News] Kicking off the MuseIT Project - The Symposium recording is online!

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

In October 2022, we kicked off our project at the University of Borås (Sweden) with the symposium “Towards Access for All – Inclusion through Multisensory Interactions”.

The recordings of the symposium are now available!

This research-based scholarly symposium brought together not only academics but also various societal stakeholders including technologists, policymakers, national and international agencies and associations, designers, and professional experts dealing with issues related to disability and themselves living with some form of disability.

Mixing short presentations, discussions, demos, workshops and keynotes, our symposium was an actual space of reflections on accessibility, digital tools and inclusion. We were grateful to welcome prestigious speakers including for instance June Lowery-Kingston (European Commission, DG Connect), professor Astrid Kappers (Eindhoven University of Technology) and professor Raymond Holt (University of Leeds). Participants and speakers created an interactive space where key topics such as the design of inclusive technologies, haptic representations, multi-sensory experiences, etc. were discussed.

Prof. Nigel Osborne, Peter Larsson, Tomas Hulenvik Klingberg, Sophia Alexandersson, and Patricia Alessandrini delivered a practical example of what an inclusive, participatory session with music technology can look like today.


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